Commencement Livestream

Watch the 140th Commencement ceremony live. Saturday, May 11 at 10 a.m.


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Campus Activities

Student Activities Committee

Cottey provides a dynamic activities program on campus. The Student Activities Committee (SAC) plans, promotes, and produces events featuring bands, comedians, magicians, and novelty entertainers. Other events include Grocery BINGOs, intramurals, custom-made products, movies, and road trips.

Cottey Performing Arts Series

The Cottey College Performing Arts Series sponsors performances each year that span the realm of music, theatre, and dance. Students are admitted free to all campus performances, except student organization fundraisers. Some performances will sell out.

Clubs and Organizations

There are several student organizations on campus, including governmental bodies, programming boards, social organizations, and academic and honorary groups. Students may form new organizations as new needs are expressed.

Clubs and Orgs

Family Weekend

Family Weekend is a special weekend created for families and guests to spend on campus with students. Parents, siblings, grandparents, other relatives, and friends are all invited. Family Weekend, traditionally held the last weekend of September, is a great opportunity for families and friends to meet suitemates and college friends, and to experience life at Cottey. For more information on Family Weekend, including a full schedule of events, tap the button below.

Info & Schedule


Much of Cottey’s character can be attributed to its traditions. Cottey traditions, some of which date back to its founding, serve as a symbolic expression of the rich and unique heritage shared by the College community. Others have evolved through the years and are perpetuated by students. Cottey life is enriched and made more special by many traditions. Participation in student traditions is optional.

Traditions Page