Commencement Livestream

Watch the 140th Commencement ceremony live. Saturday, May 11 at 10 a.m.


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Library Search  

Library Hours & Calendar

Normal Hours – Fall and Spring Semesters
Sunday 1:00 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Monday – Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Friday 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Saturday CLOSED
Fall Semester 2023 - Spring Semester 2024 - Special Dates & Hours
Tuesday, August 22nd – Normal Hours Resume - First Day of Classes 7:30 am - 10:00 pm
Monday, September 4th – LABOR DAY CLOSED
Tuesday, September 5th – Normal Hours Resume 7:30 am - 10:00 pm
Friday, October 6th - Fall Break 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday, October 14th - P.E.O. Visit Day 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday, November 22nd - Sunday, November 26th - Thanksgiving Break CLOSED
Monday, December 11th - Finals Week 7:30 am - 10:00 pm
Tuesday, December 12th - Finals Week 7:30 am - 8:00 pm
Wednesday, December 13th - Finals Week 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
Thursday, December 14th - Friday, December 15th - Reduced Hours Begin - Winter Break 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday, December 16th - Sunday, December 17th - Reduced Hours - Winter Break CLOSED
Monday, December 18th - Tuesday, December 19th -Reduced Hours - Winter Break 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday, December 20th - Tuesday, January 2nd - Winter Break CLOSED
Wednesday, January 3rd - Friday, January 5th - Reduced Hours - Winter Break 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday, January 6th - Sunday, January 7th - End of Winter Break CLOSED
Monday, January 8th - Spring Semester 2023 Begins - Normal Hours Resume 7:30 am - 10:00 pm
Monday, January 15th - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day CLOSED
Saturday, March 2nd - Sunday, March, 3rd - Spring Break - Reduced Hours Begin CLOSED
Monday, March 4th - Friday, March 8th - Spring Break 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday, March 9th - Sunday, March, 10th - Spring Break CLOSED
Monday, March 11th - Friday, March 15th - Spring Break 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday, March 16th - Spring Break CLOSED
Sunday, March 17th - Normal Hours Resume 1:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Friday, May 10th - Summer Hours Begins 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Monday, May 27th - Memorial Day CLOSED
Summer Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Summer Hours: Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

Contact Information

Ross Library

Phone: 417-667-8181 ext. 2153
Text Message: 417-986-2275 (Ask-A-Librarian)
Fax: 417-448-1040

Courtney Trautweiler

Library Director
Phone: (417) 667-8181 ext. 2109

Tatiana Jones

Library Technician/Cataloging
Phone: (417) 667-8181 ext. 2114

Trudy Burr

Library Assistant for Acquisitions
Phone: (417) 667-8181 ext. 2110

Amber Overton

Library Assistant & Student Employee Coordinator
Phone: (417) 667-8181 ext. 2152

Library Assistant for Public Services
Phone: (417) 667-8181 ext. 2181

Andrew Adams

Library Assistant for Public Services
Phone: (417) 667-8181 ext. 2210

Faculty & Staff Resources

Welcome to the Ross Library Faculty and Staff Resources page.  This page offers access to copyright and fair use guidelines, instructions for requesting materials from MOBIUS and useful forms for library services: Interlibrary Loans, Display Requests, Order Requests, and Reserve Forms.


Copyright Information & Useful Forms

  • Title:  The copyright book : a practical guide / William S. Strong.
  • Publication:  Cambridge, Massachusetts : MIT Press, [2014]
  • Edition:  Sixth Edition.

This book is available online in the library’s eBook collection.  Access it here.

Copyright Law of the United States of America: This is the law.

Fair Use: Explanation of the general principles of “fair use”

Information Technology Policy [Library Version]: This version of the College policy includes a consent form for a parent to authorize a child to use computers in the library.

Interlibrary Loan Form: Use this form for requesting a periodical article or a book not available through MOBIUS.  Andrew Adams at

MOBIUS Books: How to request books from other MOBIUS libraries.

Order Request Form: Use this form to suggest new items to be added to the collections. Please submit this form to Trudy Burr at

Reserves Form: Use this form for items you wish to put on reserve.  Please email this form to Andrew Adams at or submit it at the Library Front Desk.


The library has two Reserve Collections:

Faculty Reserves:  Each instructor has space to place items on reserve for their classes.

      • Example item types:  Books, Audiovisual materials (DVD, Bluray, VHS, CD), Articles, Practice Quizzes
      • Items may be from the Library’s collection or personal copies directly from the faculty member.
      • MOBIUS items cannot be placed on Reserve.

Textbook Reserves:  Items in the Library’s collection that match items on the semester’s required textbook list are pulled and placed in this collection.  NOTE:  This collection is NOT a comprehensive collection of the semester’s required textbooks.


The library has two Reserve Collections:

To Place Items on Reserve please follow these steps:

      1.  Search the library catalog to determine if the item is available in the Library’s collection.  If YES, please go to Step. 2.  If NO, you have the option to submit a personal copy or request the purchase of the item using Faculty Allocation Funds.  Please note that this option requires at least a two week turnaround.  Use the Order Request Form above.
      2. Fill out the Reserves Form, with relevant information, for each title you are adding to Reserves.  Blank copies are also available in the Library at the Front Desk and the Forms Display Shelf.
      3. Submit your completed forms to the Front Desk along with the items to be placed on Reserve.
      4. Please allow 3 business days for the items to be processed and placed on the Reserve Shelf.
      5. If you requested titles using your Faculty Allocation funds, please allow those titles to be received and catalogued fully, then follow the Reserves procedure above.

Course Reserves item titles and availability can be viewed here:

      • Select Course Reserves in the Search Options sidebar on the right side of the screen
      • Course Reserve listings are searchable by Course Name and Professor Name.
      • Textbook Reserves is listed under course name: Ross Textbooks


Display Request Form: Use this from to request library display space. Forms may be emailed to or submit at the Library Front Desk.



Choice Reviews: Short reviews of new books and electronic resources for academic libraries


Technology Policy for family members who use computers in the Library: Individuals, who are not employed by Cottey, and who use Library computers are required to sign the policy in person and to sign in each time they enter the building. Normally, a child under 10 years must be accompanied by a parent. Cottey employees’ children who are under the age of 10 may be allowed in the Library if the parent is on campus. The decision about this privilege will be made on a “case-by-case” basis and may be revoked, depending on the child’s behavior while in the Library.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I request a WorldCat Book or an article from another library?

    Interlibrary Loan Request Form and email it to Andrew Adams at

  • How do I Request a MOBIUS Book?

    MOBIUS libraries in Missouri lend books from one library to another library. Movies and other formats are not available.

    • Search the MOBIUS catalog to find a book that you want. MOBIUS
    • Click on the title to see if the book is available.
    • Click on Request It.
    • Please Choose Your Library:  Click on the drop down box and choose MOBIUS – Cottey College. Click on Submit.
    • Enter
      Your name
      Your campus ID: a number followed by COTT on your Cottey keycard.
      Crowder College students enter your Crowder ID number followed by CC.
    • Pickup Library:  select MOBIUS Cottey College.
    • Choose a pickup location.
      Open the drop down box and choose Cottey College.
      [You may select a different location where the book will be sent. You would get the book at that location.]
    • Click on Submit.
    • Watch the response from MOBIUS, to see if your request was successful.



    Library materials can be returned to the Library’s front desk or the drop box in a residence hall. Reserves must be returned directly to the Front Circulation Desk. There is an outside return slot beside the entrance to the Library.

    Circulation notices are emailed directly to the borrower. Borrowing privileges are suspended for borrowers who have long overdue material.

    Format Loan Period Renewals Fines
    Reserve Items (set aside for a particular course) Determined by each professor Can be renewed unless needed by someone else in the class $.25 per hour
    Ross Library and MOBIUS loans 28 days Yes, unless recalled by lending library $120 fine for late books
    Lost books are charged a $100 replacement cost.
    Late books that are not lost are charged $20
    WorldCat loans 30 days Yes, unless recalled by lending library Determined by the lending library
    Periodicals 1 day* Yes $.25 per day
    Movies 10 days Yes $.25 per day
    Storage Item 28 days Yes $.25 per day
    AV Equipment 1 day Yes $.25 per day
    Computer Speaker 3 hours
    Library use only
    Yes $.25 per hour

    * The most recent issue is not available for check out.

    Transcripts and Grades are held until student accounts are cleared each semester.

  • How do I request display space in the library?

    Fill out the Display Request Form.