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Chido Shamuyarira
Chido Shamuyarira

Cottey Student Named Zero Hunger Summer Intern by Congressional Hunger Center

Date Posted: July 17, 2019 Author: Steve Reed

Cottey student Chido Shamuyarira was one of 12 students out of 400 applicants nationwide named to the 2019 Cohort of Zero Hunger Summer Interns by the Congressional Hunger Center. In June, Shamuyarira and other Zero Hunger Interns traveled to Washington, D.C. to intern with organizations working to end hunger nationally and globally.

“Our students continue to shine on the national stage,” said Dr. Jann Weitzel, President of Cottey College. “We are so proud of Chido’s accomplishments and look forward to hearing of her experiences when she returns to campus in the fall.”

These campus leaders will study the power of advocacy and the policy-making process with hands-on work at leading anti-hunger organizations in Washington, D.C. They will develop their individual leadership skills and learn from experts on global and domestic hunger through the Hunger Center’s new Summer Seminar Series, which is open to all summer interns in Washington, D.C. The Zero Hunger Interns will also learn from each other as members of a dynamic and diverse cohort, hailing form schools and communities across the country and around the world.

With the Congressional Hunger Center, Shamuyarira will work with the Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellowship program team by supporting the daily function of the program, analyzing program surveys and participant feedback, and developing a comprehensive program calendar.

“As someone who was directly affected by food shortage in Zimbabwe I am excited to learn about the eradication of hunger, work with people with the same vision and develop my leadership skills,” said Shamuyarira.

Shamuyarira, who earned her Associate in Science degree in May, will be a junior this fall at Cottey and is majoring in both International Business and International Relations.

More information about the Congressional Hunger Center is available online at

Steve Reed

About the author

Steve Reed