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Cottey College Plans for In-Person Classes in the Fall

Date Posted: May 4, 2020 Author: Steve Reed

Cottey College has announced plans to return to in-person classes for the fall 2020 semester.

“We know that some things will be out of our control and situations might change, but we are currently planning and directing all our efforts to bringing everyone safely back to campus,” Cottey College President Dr. Jann Weitzel said in a communication to students, faculty and staff. “While education can happen anywhere, we realize that one of our strengths at Cottey College is creating strong relationships among students, faculty and staff and we feel those relationships are best fostered in-person and on-campus.”

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Cottey College shifted to online and alternative instruction on March 23 and will continue in that capacity through the end of the spring semester.

Weitzel said she was appreciative of the way students, faculty, and staff adjusted so quickly in March to a new method of teaching and learning. “I’m so proud of our campus. Our top priority will always be the well-being of our community and everyone aligned to that goal in order to complete this semester well,” she said.

With three months in order to prepare for students to arrive for the fall semester the leadership of the College will be working diligently to prepare for various scenarios in order to smoothly transition students, faculty and staff into the semester.

Weitzel said, “Fall 2020 will look different than Fall 2019, but if this past semester is any indication of the resilience and incredible people we have at Cottey College, then I know some of our best days are ahead of us.”

Steve Reed

About the author

Steve Reed