Commencement Livestream

Watch the 140th Commencement ceremony live. Saturday, May 11 at 10 a.m.


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Academic Advising

Academic Advising

At Cottey College, academic advising assists each student in the developmental process of clarifying and achieving her educational goals. Each student is assigned a full-time faculty member as her advisor.

It is the responsibility of the student to work closely with her academic advisor throughout the advising process. The more clearly a student can articulate her vision and goals, the more productive the relationship will be. Together the advisor and student devise a balanced academic program. The advisor reviews all registration decisions, including changes made after the beginning of the semester. After consultation with her academic advisor, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to choose and implement her academic program. In addition to aiding in the selection of courses, the advisor reviews the advisee’s academic progress and suggests transfer and career options. At the student’s request, the advisor may refer her to other resources on and off campus.

General Responsibilities of the Cottey College Student
The student will do the following:

  • Consult with the academic advisor when necessary;
  • Discuss academic and career-related needs as they develop;
  • Be knowledgeable about academic policies, requirements, and procedures stated in the Catalog;
  • Schedule appointments with her advisor and is on time for those appointments;
  • Be prepared for the advising appointment and bring appropriate materials;
  • Come to the advising session prior to course registration with the necessary forms, an idea of the type of courses she will need, a list of alternatives and the catalog for the transfer institution if applicable;
  • Discuss long-range goals including choice of major and career aspirations with the advisor;
  • Know academic requirements for continued enrollment and graduation;
  • Ask questions about policies, procedures, or requirements that are not understood;
  • Keep copies of relevant academic records;
  • Consult with the advisor with concerns related to academic progress, a change in program, courses to be taken at another institution, withdrawal from courses, or withdrawal from the College;
  • Be candid, discuss with her advisor what may be affecting her ability to do her best coursework;
  • Follow through with appropriate action after the advising session;
  • Request reassignment to a new academic advisor if desired or if interests change;
  • Make final decisions and be actively responsible for her academic career;
  • Notify the College if her address changes and reads her College mail, including e-mail.

Advice for Students Seeking Transfer to California Schools