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Dr. Gilchrist has a B.S. in Psychology from Florida State University and an M.A. and Ph.D in Psychological Sciences with a Concentration in Cognition and Neuroscience from the University of Missouri.
Dr. Gilchrist teaches several courses at Cottey, including Cognitive Psychology, Research Methods, and Biopsychology. In Spring 2022, she took a sabbatical to learn about measuring brain activity using EEG, and she plans to incorporate this into her classes and student research in the Psychology Lab. She regularly attends conferences in her field, including the Psychonomic Society and the National Institute on Teaching in Psychology (NITOP).
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Faculty Chair, 2022-2024
Assessment Committee, 2017-2021 (Chair, 2018-2021)
Personnel Committee, 2017-2018 (at-large member)
Cowan, N., AuBuchon, A.M., Gilchrist, A.L., Blume, C.L., Boone, A.P., & Saults, J.S. (2021). Developmental change in the nature of attention allocation in a dual task. Developmental Psychology, 57, 33-46.
Gilchrist, A.L., Duarte, A., & Verhaeghen, P. (2016). Retrospective cues based on object features improve visual working memory performance in older adults. Aging, Neuropsychology, & Cognition, 23, 184-195.
Gilchrist, A.L. (2015). How should we measure chunks? A continuing issue in chunking research and a way forward. Frontiers in Psychology 6:1456.
Gilchrist, A.L., & Cowan, N. (2014). A two-stage search of visual working memory: Investigating speed in the change-detection paradigm. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 67, 2031-2050.
Gilchrist, A.L., & Cowan, N. (2012). Chunking. In V. Ramachandran (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, 2nd Edition. San Diego: Academic Press. (Pp. 476-483).
Gilchrist, A.L., & Cowan, N. (2011). Can the focus of attention accommodate multiple, separate items? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 37, 1484-1502.
Cowan, N., AuBuchon, A.M., Gilchrist, A.L., Ricker, T.J., & Saults, J.S. (2011). Age differences in visual working memory capacity: Not based on encoding limitations. Developmental Science, 14, 1066-1074.