Main Hall
Main Hall, S Chestnut St, Nevada, MO 64772Historic Main Hall, built in 1884, is the College’s original building. Completely renovated in 2002, it currently houses administrative offices and the Service Center.

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Historic Main Hall, built in 1884, is the College’s original building. Completely renovated in 2002, it currently houses administrative offices and the Service Center.
The Judy and Glenn Rogers Fine Arts Building, built in 2015, was constructed to bring all of the fine arts together under one roof. Joined to the renovated Neale Hall by an atrium, the facility houses the music and art departments. It includes studios for the visual arts and practice rooms for the music department as well as classrooms and faculty offices. It is joined to Main Hall by an elevated glass walkway.
The Physical Plant houses the offices of Maintenance, Housekeeping, Security, Grounds, Safety, and Shipping.
This residence hall, built in 1939, was the first building erected after Cottey was accepted as a gift by the P.E.O. Sisterhood. It has 10 suites and houses approximately 105 students.
The Haidee and Allen Wild Center for the Arts, completed in 1989, provides facilities for the performing arts. It features a 495-seat auditorium, a climate-controlled art gallery, a recital hall with seating for 150, and a large scenery shop and costume shop.
Cottey’s largest residence hall has 14 suites which house approximately 150 students. In the lower level of Robertson Hall is Raney Dining Room, the dining hall for all residential students. Built in 1959, the residence hall is named after Elizabeth Robertson and the dining room is named after Bessie Raney. This facility is partially accessible to individuals with physical mobility disabilities and is air-conditioned.
Definitely the most significant location on campus to many Cottey students, the Chapel was built in 1956 as a gift from the B.I.L.s. The main chapel seats 480 and there is also a small side chapel and parlor. The Chapel houses the Dysart Memorial Organ, a 21-rank Hammer-Reuter Organ and the Nell Farrel Stevenson Grand Piano. The Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Campus Life, in the lower level, houses the Chellie Club snack bar and the Spirit Shop.
Cottey doubled its residential student population when Reeves Hall was built in 1949. This hall also has 10 suites with approximately 105 students and was named after Winona Evans Reeves.
Cottey’s hub of activity… literally. Here you’ll find our gymnasium and fitness room. Sounds invigorating already. But you can do more here than just run around. The lower level includes a classroom, dressing rooms, student lounge, and the stock trading lab that doubles as our esports arena.
The building was named for Uretta and Paul Hinkhouse and constructed in 1971. The complex also includes three tennis courts, a softball field, a practice soccer field, and the Vanek Family Memorial Softball Field, dedicated in 2013.
The central place for academic research is the Blanche Skiff Ross Memorial Library, constructed in 1963. It houses over 50,000 books, covering the breadth of the arts and sciences on the undergraduate level, including the Women’s Studies Collection, the Juvenile Collection, and the Popular Reading Collection in addition to music scores and recordings and over 1,200 videos and DVDs. A conference room and group study rooms provide a variety of meeting spaces. All three floors have study tables, easy chairs, private study areas, and computers.
The Rubie Burton Academic Center is composed of Alumnae Hall, built in 1974 and renovated in 1998, and Nelle Horner Grantham Hall. Alumnae Hall, built in 1974 and renovated in 1998, contains classrooms, faculty offices, the student art gallery, and the computer lab. Offices for Academic Affairs, the registrar, and the Kolderie Center are also in this building. All of the chemistry labs, instrumentation rooms and chemical storage areas are located in Nelle Horner Grantham Hall. Don’t worry, the chemicals are never taken outside of those instructional spaces! Grantham Hall also features a smaller science computer laboratory for computer interfaced experimentation.
There’s a leader in everyone, and for many of our students, much of that discovery begins here. Guest lecturers and outreach programs are just a few of the valuable opportunities you’ll find. And for those of you interested in some history, the “house” was originally built in 1927 as a private residence for the W.F. Norman family. (The W.F. Norman Corporation is a world leader in the production of decorative tin ceilings and still operates in Nevada.) The house was purchased in 1997 by Cottey College. Under the leadership of Dr. Helen Washburn, President of Cottey College 1986-2004, the Center for Women’s Leadership officially opened in October 2000.
Feeling burnt out from too much studying? Welcome to your escape! Just 8 blocks south of the Cottey campus, the 33-acre spacious wooded area and cozy lodge provide the ultimate break for you and your friends. The grounds include a large open reception area, fireplace, kitchen, and bathroom facilities. During the day, take advantage of the sun and get your outdoor volleyball on, or stay inside the lodge and play board games, pool, or watch a movie. At night, make a dinner, enjoy a fire, eat some s’mores, and share some ghost stories. Just a few ideas to get you motivated! And once a year, you and your suitemates are able to enjoy an overnight getaway here. Whether you’re looking for recreation, or just to relax and unwind, you can do it here!
The President’s house was built in 1903 by French Humbolt Glenn who later became president of First National Bank in Nevada. Cottey began renting the house in 1940 for use as a student dorm. The college purchased the house in 1941 for $10,500. Eight Cottey presidents have resided there: Dr Blanche H. Dow, Dr. Ted McCarrel, Dr. Jon Olaf Hondrum, Dr. Evelyn L. Milan, Dr. Helen Washburn, Dr. Judy Rogers, Dr. Jann Weitzel, and Dr. Stefanie D. Niles.
The Vanek Family Memorial Softball field was constructed in 2012 with a generous gift from Dorothy Vanek. The field is home to the Comets Softball Team and is where all of their home games are played.
The Cottey House, formerly known as Ewing House, is located across the street from Main Hall.
The Student Wellness Center is located west of Robertson Hall and is designed to offer health and counseling services to students. It was remodeled in the summer of 2021.
Two licensed therapists are available to provide counseling services, including confidential short-term individual counseling for students experiencing personal, academic, or adjustment problems.
Additionally, Cottey College Health Services contracts with three local physicians from Nevada Regional Medical Center to provide medical services to students.
The Student Wellness Center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Cottey’s townhouses are for upperclassmen students and are a nice in-between for those who want more independence while retaining the safety and security of campus living. Students can live alone, with no RA, and no meal plan, giving them much more responsibility and freedom. However, the townhouses are still under Cottey’s security, maintenance, and students still pay housing costs to Cottey, instead of paying monthly rent.
Cottey’s housing staff refers to the townhouses as, “Living off campus without living off campus.”