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Associate Professor of Biology
University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Ph.D.
Dr. Kohn has a B.S. in Art and Biology from Albright College in Reading, Pennsylvania, a M.S. in Biology from Saint Louis University, and a Ph.D. from The University of Louisiana at Lafayette in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology. Dr. Kohn was also a postdoctoral fellow at the Laboratoire Evolution, Génomes et Spéciation, CNRS, France, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Missouri – Saint Louis. Prior to joining the Cottey faculty in 2018, Dr. Kohn was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Lyon College.
Dr. Kohn’s area of expertise is in Animal behavior. Her favorite animals are salamanders. She has studied recognition memory in territorial red-backed salamanders and learning and memory in fruit flies. Dr. Kohn is a member of the Missouri Herpetological Society, The Ecological Society of America, and has been a Member of the Animal Behavior Society since 2002.
In addition, Dr. Kohn is coordinator of the Biology Program, co-organizer of the Cottey Community Garden, and takes part in a walking club and a local art group.
Additional Information
R.G. Jaeger, B. Gollmann, C. D. Anthony, C. R. Gabor, and N. R. Kohn. 2016. Behavioral Ecology of the Eastern Red-backed Salamander: 50 Years of Research. Oxford University Press. New York, USA.
Kohn, N. R., C. J. Reaume, C. Moreno, J. G. Burns, M. B. Sokolwski, and F. Mery. 2013. Social environment influences performance in a cognitive task in natural variants of the foraging PLoS ONE 8:e81272.
Kohn, N. R., J. M. Deitloff, S. F. Dartez, M. M. Wilcox, and R. G. Jaeger. 2013. Memory of conspecifics in male salamanders, Plethodon cinereus: implications for territorial defense. Current Zoology 59:326-334.
Kohn, N.R., and R.G. Jaeger. 2009. Male salamanders remember individuals based on chemical or visual cues. Behaviour 146:1485-1498.
Joseph, L. L.*, C. T. Cope*, N. R. Kohn, and R. G. Jaeger. 2005. The influence of familiarity on socially monogamous behavior of red-backed salamanders. Herpetologica 61:343-348.
Weaving the Future of Animal Behavior Early Career Symposium, May 2019
Animal Behavior Society Annual Conference, Virtual Meeting, July 2020
The Ecological Society of America, Virtual Meeting, August 2020