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B.S. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH
M.A. University of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison WI
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison WI
I have worked extensively with cryogenic detectors for astrophysical experiments, from the detectors for the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search at Case Western Reserve University, to interferometry and bolometers at the University of Wisconsin – Madison and bolometer multiplexing systems at McGill University.
While I have found work in astrophysics rewarding, Cottey has provided me an opportunity to pursue physics education research, which I find even more interesting. Specifically, course development and investigating how women in physics develop their identity as physcists. I started this type of work in earnest at MIT’s Teaching and Learning Lab and continued to explore it in a part time capacity while at Austin College.
If you want to talk science, astronomy, astrophysics, or education, please stop by my office: 102 Grantham Hall, RBAC.