Commencement Livestream

Watch the 140th Commencement ceremony live. Saturday, May 11 at 10 a.m.


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Scholars Days

Join Us for Scholars Days!

High academic achievers, like yourself, are invited to attend Cottey’s Scholars Day. This event is designed to celebrate your high school achievements and reward you with the opportunity to earn up to full tuition.

The day’s events will include your chance to earn up to full tuition through an essay competition and interviews with current Cottey Scholars and Faculty. You will also have some time to mingle with our faculty and students in a less formal setting to discuss your ambitions and see how Cottey’s academic programs can help you succeed at reaching them.


Each participant is guaranteed an academic award of no less than $10,000 per year and has the chance to earn up to full tuition. This scholarship cannot be stacked on top of any other Cottey academic award.


Schedule your Scholars Day visit any week day from October 17 to December 16, 2022. To be eligible, you must be accepted for admission prior to your visit to campus.



  • 3.75 GPA or higher (or 27 ACT or higher) and
  • Current resume and
  • Acceptance notification from Cottey

Click HERE to register for this event.

Complimentary lodging is provided, subject to availability.

If you have any questions about this visit, or your eligibility to participate, please contact us at or (417) 667-6010.