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Leadership Library

Serenbetz Leadership Library

These links are to show the resources that are available for use in the Institute’s leadership library. These links are not intended to serve as an endorsement for any product or company.



Challenging Assumptions
Challenging assumptions is a great way to raise awareness about preconceptions and assumptions we bring into new situations. Valuable in problem solving and innovative thinking processes and how we can identify new approaches and then reject those same ideas, but with little facilitation they can soon recognize the need to be confident when tackling an unknown task.

Coaching Game
Points of You
The Coaching Game upgrades corporate activities, transforming them into extraordinary, unforgettable personal encounters. It generates quality interaction between employees, inspires communication, and lends added value to every player. Its use enables players to break out of their boxes and their habits, and examine workplace dilemmas from a new vantage point.

Colourblind is a verbal communication problem-solving activity that help teams reach a common understanding of meaning and recognize problems caused by poor communication. While working together students will pool knowledge to identify the colored shapes that are missing from a complete set. The communication process are complex and participants will go through increasingly sophisticated patterns of communication until the task is completed.

Debriefing Thumball
Share your reaction to whatever prompt lies under your thumb. Thumball™ is a soft 6″ stuffed ball pre-printed with 32 questions or prompts and LOADS of interesting applications for meetings, training, and employee relations. The Debriefing Thumball helps facilitators ask debriefing questions in a proper sequence that makes sense to participants. It can also shift some of the responsibility for successful processing from the facilitator to the participants. The sequence of 1. What happened, 2. Why is this important, and 3. How can I use this information, not only takes participants through a progression for processing a specific event, but also presents an overall lesson on proper processing.

Deir el-Medina: An Exploration of Team Roles
HRDQ Research and Development Team (1994).
Deir el-Medina enables groups to experience the various task and interpersonal issues that occur when people undertake a project requiring joint problem solving and decision-making. The game increases individual awareness of his/her impact on group productivity and effectiveness, and introduces important elements of group roles and responsibilities. Deir el-Medina is perfect for facilitators who are interested in training groups on teamwork, problem solving, team roles, and team responsibilities. The game also works well as part of a comprehensive team training program.

Coulson, T. & Strickland, A. (1992).
Applied Creativity
Diversity is based on the Herrmann Whole Brain Model that divides mental processing preferences into four distinct clusters or style preferences: Logical/analytical, Planned/organized, Interpersonal/emotional, Holistic/synthesizing. The Diversity prompts tackle a difficult topic with smarts and sensitivity. Conversations about diversity and bias can be emotionally charged. The goal is to share experiences of feeling different or excluded and identify ways to create a more welcoming, diverse and compassionate community.  This will invite people to talk about ways they might work together more effectively and synergistically. Then everyone’s strengths can come into play and differences become an asset, not a liability.

Do Your Best
In a series of activities ranging from 5-15min Do Your Best provides an active way to uncover the crucial principals to set mission statements, visions and goals. Each activity can be ran individually or coinciding with other activities as each activity demonstrates a different direction-setting principle.

The Feedback Game
Gerrickens, P. (1999). Gower Publishing.
Practice giving and receiving feedback. The Feedback Game consists of 140 four-color playing cards, divided into two groups: strengths and weaknesses. Through a process of swapping cards, colleagues practice giving and receiving feedback in a safe environment, and find out how others perceive their strengths and weaknesses.

Fortune Cookie Debrief
The perfect break the ice activity with these 24 reusable fortune cookies that can be filled with your own personal questions. A great way to start discussion and debriefing sessions.

Jungle Escape Participant Guide Fourth Edition
HRDQ (2004).
A fun and effective way for introducing and reinforcing basic team skills as they work together to complete a project with limited information and under limited time. Jungle Escape allows teams to reveal which group development style they fall into: Fragmented, Divergent, or Cohesive.

Leadership Metaphor Explorer: Creative Conversations for Better Leadership
A dynamic and interactive comprehensive guide to stimulate creative insightful conversations among groups. Includes a deck of 83 cards that illustrates a variety of drawings and captions to help people understand how leadership plays out in their teams, organizations, communities and across all boundaries.

Me First Wireless Game Buzzers
Give everyone a chance to answer with these buzzers. A set of 12 wireless buzzers that light up and make right or wrong sounds. This set also comes with a facilitator remote.

Panctum/Experiential Game- Points of You
Panctum is a versatile and engaging tool used in for experiential learning in group settings. Punctum allows discussion over various life issues in different ways making meaningful and inspiring encounters.

Pass the Chicken
Action Centered Training, Inc.

Pass the Chicken teaches strategic planning, communication, creative problem solving, and leadership in one hysterical, outrageously fun, easy to learn game! Each of the 4 rounds of play reinforces and expands the learning that occurs in the previous round. Process breakdown is, by design, inevitable but as teams use their creativity, any problem can be overcome, even the presence of loud squawking chickens and other zany animals. A hysterical game that drives home Big team – small team integration in is simplest form.

Playing With Style: Fast and Fun card Games for Improving People Skills
HRDQ (2009).
Playing with Style is a collection of ten different training games and training activities that help individuals to quickly learn the common characteristics of each of the four personal styles in the HRDQ Style Model: Direct, Spirited, Considerate, and Systematic. These training games and activities also help develop an understanding of the strengths and potential trouble spots associated with each style. Individuals quickly build fluency in the different personal styles so that they can improve interpersonal skills and interact more effectively with others. Playing with Style motivates people to take an active role in the mastery of personal styles.

Simulation Training Systems
Through this activity participants will progress from each level of society by gaining wealth through trading with other participants. This game can result in teaching people who have power how to use their power in an appropriate manner an show how power can easily be abused.

Tabletop Whaddaya Know? Game
Create your own Jeopardy game by creating your own guest ions, answers and categories. Questions can be written on the reusable white dry erase cards which easily slide into the vinyl pockets of the game.

Visual Explorer Kit
Visual Explorer is a powerful tool for encouraging collaborative conversations and effective dialogue in a safe learning environment. This innovative game uses a series of diverse images to create a visual vocabulary that helps people to express themselves through the use of metaphors, intuition, and emotion.

Where Do You Draw the Line?
Stimulation Training Systems
This activity is a 50 minute reusable activity (can be broken into smaller time frames). geared for up to 25 participants at a time that will analyze a series of ethical situations. These situations are structured to reveal assumptions that each group uses to make ethical judgments. After all assumptions and responses this activity can stimulate honest discussions about making ethical decisions.


Emotionally Intelligent Leadership For Students Inventory, 2nd Ed.,miniSiteCd-JBHIGHERED.html
Shankman, M.L., Allen, S.J., & Miguel, R. (2015). Jossey-Bass.
The Emotionally Intelligent Leadership for Students: Inventory is an evidence-based assessment of the capacities of emotionally intelligent leadership (EIL). Research that spans the globe has demonstrated that there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership. First, this 57-item assessment measures how often students engage in behaviors that align with emotionally
intelligent leadership. Then, the reflection portion walks students through the process of analyzing and understanding their results, giving them concrete suggestions for how to explore and improve their emotionally intelligent leadership.

Student Leadership Practices Inventory (Self & Observer), 2nd Ed.
Kouzes, J., Posner, B. (2015). Jossey-Bass.
The Student Leadership Practices Inventory is the only evidence-based 360º leadership measurement tool developed for students and young leaders. The Student LPI measures the frequency with which students engage in 30 distinct behaviors that are the foundation of The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®.

Style Matters: The Kraybill Conflict Style Inventory
Kraybill, R. (2013). River House Press.
Style Matters: The Kraybill Conflict Style Inventory is a pyschometrically-valid, 24 page conflict style inventory that shows users their preferred style of conflict management and gives detailed suggestions for optimizing their personal conflict style.
Style Matters scores users on five styles of conflict: Directing, Avoiding, Harmonizing, Cooperating, and Compromising, so they know which styles they prefer most and least. Several pages are devoted to each style, outlining strengths of that style and dangers of over-using it, and giving tips for working with people who favor this style. Style Matters also scores users on their Storm Shift, which is how their behavior changes as conflict becomes more intense.


Earthquake! (Participant Activity, Facilitator Guide, DVD, VHS)
Fisher, D. J. and Peters, D. (2002). Organizational Learning Tools Inc.
Earthquake! by D. Joseph Fisher, Ph.D. and Dawn Peters Earthquake is designed to promote group problem-solving, consensus decision-making, and an understanding of group dynamics. It is a simulation exercise that asks participants to first solve the problem individually and then as a group making consensus decisions. The scores are then compared against an expert ranking and demonstrate that effective teams generally produce better outcomes than individuals alone. Includes normative data and background information on earthquakes.

The Mentor’s Guide for Women in Leadership

The Mentors Guide for Women in Leadership is a digital audio resource containing 5 inspiring and informative talks from some of the nation’s greatest female leaders.

Creating an Emotionally Intelligent World (License for Unlimited Enterprise Installations)
Kerr, B. A. HRDQ.
An emotional intelligence training game, “Creating an Emotionally Intelligent World” is an interactive computer-based team game built on the PowerPoint platform that provides a leadership development training simulation to learn and practice emotional intelligence skills for better communication, leadership, decision making and interpersonal relationships. The simulation provides skill development learning in five core components of Emotional Intelligence: Awareness of Self, Actions of the Self, Awareness of Others, Interaction with Others, and Resilience. Fast-paced challenges relating to the five dimensions of emotional intelligence make for exciting game play as teams of up to six players per computer work together on a group project. The goal is to earn enough points to complete a 30-piece puzzle by correctly responding to seven different types of challenges. Unexpected Life Events (ULEs) randomly intervene, which either add or subtract puzzle pieces from the project. The game ends when a team completes the puzzle project, or runs out of time. At the end of the game, players learn their performance statistics, including an Overall Emotional Intelligence Awareness Rating, a Team Performance Score, and an assessment of how frequently the individual players choose to act independently or collaboratively.


Emotionally Intelligent Leadership For Students
Shankman, M.L., Allen, S.J., & Haber-Curran, P. (2015). Jossey-Bass.
The Emotionally Intelligent Leadership is a data based emotionally intelligent leadership conceptual model that leads students to be come an effective emotionally intelligent leader. Through demonstrations between relationships, emotional intelligence and leadership EIL helps fosters the growth and promotion of intense self reflection. This series includes: A Guide For Students, Student Workbook and Facilitation and Activity Guide.

Exploring Leadership: For College Students Who Want to Make a Difference
Wagner, W., Ostick, D., & Assoc. (2013). Jossey-Bass.
Designed for college students this book is used to help portray the potential in any student to become a leader. The Relational Leadership Model is a major focus throughout this edition and includes a strong connection between the model dimensions and visual applications and concepts. This new edition incorporates chapters such as social justice, conflict management, and positive psychology and is pact with demonstrations of how major concepts and theories can be applied. Comes with Student Workbook, a Facilitation Activity Guide for educators.

Point, Click and WOW!,+Click+and+Wow!:+The+Techniques+and+Habits+of+Successful+Presenters,+3rd+Edition-p-9780787997458
Wilder, C. (2008). Pfeiffer.
Covering the entire process, Point, Click and Wow is for everyone from your occasional presenter to the frequent class presentations. Includes chapters on demonstrating executive presence, using tips, tricks and techniques to create presentations in a hurry and designing presentations with powerful openings, closings and executive summaries.

Social Media For Trainers
Bozarth, J. (2010). Pfeiffer.
Social media is an overview of todays most popular tools including blogs, wikis, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, SlideShare, Flickr and others. With the Social Media for Trainers you will learn features and applications to deliver training and facilitate discussion.

The Power of Teamwork: Inspired By The Blue Angels
Beare, S., & McMillan, M. (2006). Simple Truth.
The Power of Teamwork is filled with great personal stories and graphics that reinforce the nine key principles of teamwork used by the Blue Angels. Each principle is easily related to any team that can be used to improve teamwork.

The Student Leadership Challenge
Kouzes, J., Posner, B. (2013). Wiley.
This book gives educators the building blocks to teach students how to apply Kouzes and Posners’ Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Contents includes language, guidance and activities for implementing each practice and the corresponding leadership behaviors. As well coaching tips to help students through their leadership development. Includes instructions for the Student Leadership Practices Inventory, Facilitation and Activity Guide and Student Workbook.

The Student Leadership Competencies Guidebook
Seemiller, C. (2014). Jossey-Bass.
This guidebook bridges the gap between student leadership development and career preparations. Chapters focus on 60 leadership competencies across 522 academic degrees programs from defining competency through knowledge, value, ability and behavior to scenarios of competency in action to curricular ideas helping students develop dimensions of competency.

Wisdom of Wolves: Leadership Lessons from Nature
Towery, T. (2009). Simple Truth
Wisdom of Wolves is a study of the lessons of leadership in nature and how it has been captured perfectly in a pack of wolves. Throughout this book Twyman shows the connection between the wolf pack and human behavior in topics such as: teamwork, patience, unity, failure, attitude, communication, play, loyalty and change.

Cottey Sisters of Missouri, The

Campbell, E. M. (1970). Park College Press.
The Cottey Sisters of Missouri is a biography of the seven Cottey sisters, founders of Cottey College in Nevada, Missouri.

Designing and Developing Training Programs
Chan, J.F. (2010). Pfeiffer.
Designing and Developing Training Programs will help the new and experienced trainers use practical information, practices and proven strategies to design and develop training programs that achieve results for both individuals and organizations.

Developing Students’ Leadership Capacity
Guthrie, K., Osteen, L. (2012). Jossey-Bass.
Developing Students’ Leadership Capacity is a great resource to assists higher education professionals to their understanding, conceptualization, and implementation of the five standards outlined in the ILA Guiding Questions: context, conceptual framework, content, teaching and learning and assessment.

The Gamification of Learning and Instruction
Kapp. K.M. (2012). Pfeiffer.
Games create engagement to any positive learning experience. With the popularity of digital games and game based interfaces it is essential that gamification be a part of every day learning. Engaging, informative and complete; Gamification provides the right amount of academic evidence, advice and insightful design tips to create a student engaged program in no time.