Opening Convocation Livestream

Watch the 139th Opening of the College ceremony live. Saturday, August 20 at 7 p.m.


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Sustainability At Cottey

Sustainability At Cottey

Here at Cottey College we are dedicated to making efforts to be a sustainable campus.

Solar Panels

The Rubie Burton Academic Center and the Rogers Fine Arts Building are the two buildings with solar panels installed at present time. RBAC’s solar panels were installed in February 2014 and RFAB’s in January 2018.

These solar panels provide roughly 4-5% of the power that Cottey uses on campus.

Yearly Average Energy Output in megawatt hours:

RBAC – 89 MWh

RFAB – 35 MWh


Water Fountain Filters

With the completion of the Rogers Fine Arts Building in 2015, four water fountain filters where installed, providing places for faculty, staff, and students to fill their water bottles with filtered water.

With the support and sponsorship from Cottey’s Student Government Association, in 2019/2020 water fountain filters were added to the remainder of the main buildings on campus.

Renovation of the Center for Campus Life added one additional filter location in Spring 2021, bringing the grand total to thirteen water fountain filter locations.

As of October 17, 2022, a total of 131,101 water bottles have been saved across campus.

Locations Water Bottles Saved since installation [as of 10/17/2022]
Main Hall 9,930
Rogers Fine Arts Building 37,352
Rubie Burton Academic Center 16,013
Center For The Arts 1,283
Library 11,866
Hinkhouse 9,892
Center for Campus Life 403
P.E.O Hall 18,916
Reeves Hall 12,946
Robertson Hall 12,500

Cottey Gardens

Cottey has two gardens maintained by faculty and students. The gardens are located next to RBAC and behind Robertson Hall.