Kolderie Center
Request Information

The Kolderie Center is home to a host of services which help you enrich your academic experience. These services are meant to support students in their Cottey journey and beyond, and include
- Career planning
- Internships
- Study abroad
- The Learning Center
- Peer tutoring program
- Academic advising
- Disability services
- International student support

Disability Services
We focus on helping you succeed in the classroom by coordinating programs and services which may benefit you. This includes disability services, academic advising, and a variety of student success programs including the Learning Center.
Programming includes peer tutor training and development, the peer tutoring program, academic skills workshops, the Strategies for Success course, as well as individualized assistance to help you develop academic and self-advocacy skills.
Heather English
Disability Support Services and Student Success Coordinator
417-667-8181 ext. 2131
E-mail: henglish@cottey.edu

Career Services
The Kolderie Center provides career planning assistance for each student by developing a career path utilizing self-assessment and exploration, internships, undergraduate research, and service-learning.
We prepare you for the professional world in career classes that include resume writing, interviewing skills, professionalism, job search techniques and career fair excursions. Additionally, we assist students with graduate transfer.

International Education
We promote study abroad and will connect you to resources to help you plan your semester-long overseas experiences, including programs and scholarship opportunities.
In addition, Cottey helps international students navigate federal regulations in order to maintain legal status in the U.S. We also help students planning to intern or work overseas and have information on post-graduation international opportunities such as the Peace Corps and Fulbright Student Program.