Professor of Psychology
Cottey offers a BA, BS, or minor in psychology.
Cottey’s psychology program offers small class sizes at all levels of the curriculum, even in the General Psychology class. Furthermore, experiential learning is a key component of the program. Classes include hands-on activities, such as wearing displacement goggles to learn about vision, raising a virtual child to learn about development, or using EEG to study the brain.
Qualified students have the opportunity to pursue internships or independent research studies. Students may also be offered field trips to places such as the Glore Psychiatric Museum or the chance to attend (and possibly present at) research conferences, such as the Midwestern Psychological Association annual conference and the Missouri Academy of Science annual conference.
The program culminates in a research experience as part of the senior capstone. Students may choose to pursue a B.A. or a B.S. degree in psychology.
Biopsychology examines the brain and the biological basis of psychology. The course covers a variety of topics students find interesting, including the role of the brain during stress, learning, and psychological disorders. The class also covers neuroimaging methods, as well as experience with EEG equipment in the department’s customized laboratory.
Psychology of Child & Adolescent Development examines biological, psychological, and social development from conception through adolescence. Students have fun learning and observing classroom concepts in action as they raise a virtual child.
Cottey psychology graduates have gone to work as:
Experiential learning is a key component of the program! Classes in developmental psychology involve working regularly with children in an afterschool program. Several other classes regularly take field trips to places such as a brain research lab, Heifer Village, or the Glore Psychiatric Museum.
Students are offered optional opportunities to attend (and possibly present at) research conferences, such as the Midwestern Psychological Association annual conference and the Missouri Academy of Science annual conference. The program culminates in a practicum or research experience as part of the senior capstone. Students may choose to pursue a B.A. or a B.S. degree in psychology.
Professor of Psychology
Associate Professor of Psychology