Commencement Livestream

Watch the 140th Commencement ceremony live. Saturday, May 11 at 10 a.m.


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Employee Directory

Faculty and Staff Directory

To reach an employee by phone, dial 417-667-6333, and enter the four-digit extension.

Click on a letter to jump to that part of the directory.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Offices

Name Title Phone Extension Email
A top
Adams, Andrew Library Assistant for Public Service 2210 Andrew Adams
Adams, Kristina Associate Professor & Coordinator of Education 2270 Kristina Adams
Adams, Landon Vice President for Student Life and Enrollment and Deputy Title IX Coordinator 2126 Landon Adams
Ahmedou, Jodi International Education Coordinator 2132 Jodi Ahmedou
Allen, Connie Office Manager-Physical Plant 2155 Connie Allen
B top
Belk, Evan Head Basketball Coach, Assistant SID 2337 Evan Belk
Benton, Paul PM Swing Cook 2172 Paul Benton
Bloomfield, Jamie Dining Services Office Assistant 2172 Jamie Bloomfield
Bollin, Chloe Business Office Clerk 2101 Chloe Bollin
Bolser, Angie Prep Cook 2172 Angela Bolser
Bradshaw, Tim Videographer/Photographer 2141 Tim Bradshaw
Brewer, Teresa PM Swing Cook 2172 Denise Carrick Hedges
Brier, Karri Custodian 2145 Karri Brier
Brown, Breya Night Shift Security 2297 Breya Brown
Bruce, Michelle Assistant Professor of Business 2200 Michelle Bruce
Budd, Lori Custodian 2937 Lori Budd
Burr, Trudy Library Assistant for Acquisitions 2110 Trudy Burr
C top
Carrick Hedges, Denise Director of Leadership Development 2204 Denise Carrick Hedges
Carriker, Tiffany Enrollment Counselor 2133 Tiffany Carriker
Chambers, Kyla Developmental Coordinator for Institutional Advancement 2120 Kyla Chambers
Chaney, Laura Professor of Theatre & Director of Center for Arts 2265 Laura Chaney
Chaney, Sandra Professor of History 2176 Sandra Chaney
Chellie Club Center for Campus Life 2156
Chelminska, Paula Associate Professor of International Business 2273 Paula Chelminska
Clutter, Mindy Dining Services Office Assistant 2150 Mindy Clutter
Clyde, Carol Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership 2117 Carol Clyde
Coffey, Randon VP for Communication and Strategic Initiatives 1414 Randon Coffey
Compton, Jill Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs 2244 Jill Compton
Conner, Robin Student Wellness Coordinator 2157 Robin Conner
Constuble, Matthew Assistant Flag Football Coach 2191 Matthew Constuble
Cooper, Darlina Associate Director of Alumnae Engagement & Events 2136 Darlina Cooper
Crawford, Shannon Custodian 2944 Shannon Crawford
Cui, Wei Associate Professor of Mathematics 2281 Wei Cui
Culbertson, Madeline Associate Director of Enrollment Communication and Database Management 2138 Madeline Culbertson
Cunningham, Kim Interim Student Health Office Manager 2157 Kim Cunningham
D top
Davis, Brian Security Officer 2297 Brian Davis
Dioses, Jorge Associate Professor of Mathematics 2209 Jorge Dioses
Douglas, Beth Custodian 2942 Beth Douglas
E top
English, Heather Disability Support Services/Student Success Coordinator 2131 Heather English
Espinoza, Eileen Adjunct English Professor Eileen Espinoza
Ewert, Kristopher Part-Time Security Officer 2297 Kristopher Ewert
F top
Fernando, Ganga Professor of Chemistry 2180 Ganga Fernando
Foreman, Marla Kannady Volleyball Coach, Administrative Assistant-Basketball/Softball 2256 Marla Kannady Foreman
Foster, Michael Head Bowling Coach and Service Center Manager 2194 Michael Foster
Fowler, Perry Maintenance Supervisor 2934 Perry Fowler
Fox, Denise Custodian 2145 Denise Fox
Freeman, Alicia Head Flag Football Coach/Compliance and Eligibility 2207 Alicia Freeman
Friedrichsen, Meredith Coordinator for Residence Life 2205 Meredith Friedrichsen
G top
Ganger, Buddy PM Swing Cook 2172
Ghosh-Kumar, Manjira Associate Professor of Biology and Chemistry 2240 Manjira Ghosh-Kumar
Gibbs, Gayla Security Officer 2297 Gayla Gibbs
Gilchrist, Amanda Associate Professor of Psychology 2276 Amanda Gilchrist
Good, Eric Mail Coordinator/Maintenance Technician 2135 Eric Good
Green, Jonathan Assistant Professor of English 2245 Jonathan Green
Gurien, Emma Head Competitive Cheer and Dance Coach, Enrollment Counselor 2239 Emma Gurien
H top
Habjan, Dominic Esports Program Director 2206 Dominic Habjan
Harper, Doug Assistant Technical Director 2265 Doug Harper
Harroald, Christy Pastry Chef 2172 Christy Harroald
Hefner, Todd Director of the Physical Plant 2290 Todd Hefner
Howell, Rose Head Cross Country and Track Coach 2195 Rose Howell
Hoyt, Lynn Director of P.E.O. Engagement and Annual Fund 2233 Lynn Hoyt
Hyland, Peter Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy 2211 Peter Hyland
I top
Irvin, Kelly Director of Human Resources and Title IX Coordinator 2103 Kelly Irvin
J top
Jeffcoat, Cindy Accounting and Payroll Manager 2124 Cindy Jeffcoat
Jeffries, Nichole AM Swing Cook 2172 Nichole Jeffries
Johnson, Blaklee Counselor 2157 Blaklee Johnson
Johnston, Dakotah P.E.O. Hall Director/Campus Activities Coordinator 2086 Dakotah Johnston
Jones, Sherry Custodial Supervisor 2145 Sherry Jones
Jones, Tatiana Library Technician/Cataloger 2114 Tatiana Jones
K top
Kapsoskenyon, Giles Dining and Catering Assistant 2172
Kehoe, Jessie Dining/Catering Assistant 2172 Jessie Kehoe
Kammerer, TraceyJane Assistant to the President’s Office 2111 TraceyJane Kammerer
Keys, Staci Director of Major Gifts and Stewardship 2115 Staci Keys
Kieffer, Christa Assistant Professor of History 2182 Christa Kieffer
Klinginsmith, Rebekah Head Softball Coach 2277 Rebekah Klinginsmith
Knierim, Karol Enrollment Counselor 2238 Karol Knierim
Kohn, Nancy Assistant Professor of Biology 2212 Nancy Kohn
L top
Lanser, Tracy Assistant Professor of Education 2187 Tracy Lanser
Lawrence, Cynthia Accounts Receivable / Staff Accountant 2105 Cynthia Lawrence
Lewis, Zach PM Server 2172 Zachary Lewis
Long, Jamie PM Dishwasher 2172
Love, Bradley Associate Director of Marketing 2140 Bradley Love
Lunkenheimer, Gary Professor of Business and Economics 2271 Gary Lunkenheimer
Lusk, Anna Associate Registrar for Data Management 2125 Anna Lusk
M top
Mangukiya, Rupalben Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies 2134 Rupal Mangukiya
Masters, Hannah Executive Director of Financial Aid and Student Accounts 2192 Hannah Masters
Mays, Justin Director of Information Technology 2268 Justin Mays
McCain, Karla VP for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty 2128 Karla McCain
McCullick, Garin IT Support Specialist 2368 Garin McCullick
McKinzie, Dillon Assistant Softball Coach 2202 Dillon McKinzie
Meisenheimer, Alyssa AM Swing Cook 2172 Alyssa Meisenheimer
Mendez, Chelsea Head Chef & Assistant Director of Dining Services 2170 Chelsea Mendez
Messer, Terry Custodian 2145 Terry Messer
Miler, Amy PM Line Chef 2172 Amy Miler
Miles, Justice Visiting Assistant Professor of Dance Justice Miles
Miller, Ashleigh Assistant Volleyball Coach/Assistant to Director of Athletics 2356 Ashleigh Miller
Miller, Maggie Associate Director of Admissions 2147 Maggie Miller
Mills, Claire Assistant Professor of Philosophy 2218 Claire Mills
Miriyam, Tinu Neha Assistant Professor of Criminology 2171 Tinu Miriyam
Mitchell, Michael Maintenance Technician 2289 Michael Mitchell
Mitts, Maryann Athletic Director 2237 Maryann Mitts
Mosher, April Executive Chef and Director of Dining Services 2150 April Mosher
Moss, Catherine Director of the President’s Office, Secretary to the Board 1456 Catherine Moss
Moyer, Mikelah Gift Processing and Reporting Coordinator 2097 Mikelah Moyer
Murdoch, Mackenzie Leadership Annual Giving Coordinator 2163 Mackenzie Murdoch
N top
Nguyen, Thao Regional Recruitment Coordinator Thao Nguyen
Niles, Stefanie President 2111 Stefanie Niles
Norris, James Part-Time Security 2297 James Norris
O top
Ogren, Tammy Assistant Professor of Business-Management 2198 Tammy Ogren
Overton, Amber Library Assistant and Student Employee Coordinator 2152 Amber Overton
P top
Paes, Marina Assistant Basketball Coach/Dining Services 2191 Marina Paes
Page, Cody Assistant Professor of Theatre 2241 Cody Page
Palmer, Carol Dining and Catering Manager 2169 Carol Palmer
Penn, Becky Assistant to the President’s Office 2111 Becky Penn
Penney, Chayna Registrar 2125 Chayna Penney
Phillips, Caroline Purchasing/Risk Management Agent 2123 Caroline Phillips
Polo, Sarah Assistant Professor of English 2183 Sarah Polo
Q top
Quick, Sarah Professor of Anthropology 2269 Sarah Quick
R top
Reeves, Beth Administrative Assistant for Student Opportunities 6146 Beth Reeves
Robinson, Nicole Assistant Athletic Trainer/Strength and Conditioning Coach 2203 Nicole Robinson
Rose, Rhonda Custodian 2938 Rhonda Rose
Roy, Oindrila Associate Professor of International Relations 2229 Oindrila Roy
S top
Sanders, Lauren Visiting Professor of Art 2234 Lauren Sanders
Sandoval, Pamela Custodian 2947 Pamela Sandoval
Sarker, Goutam Assistant Professor of Biology 2213 Goutam Sarker
Schindel, Alyx Science Lab Manager 2215 Alyx Schindel
Scott, Kerrigan PM Line Chef 2172 Kerrigan Scott
Selby, Kendall Physical Plant IT Supervisor 2189 Kendall Selby
Severance, Kimberly Director of Career Services 2184 Kimberly Severance
Shuster, Mike Manager of Safety, Security, and Clery 2292 Mike Shuster
Simmons, Jared PM Dishwasher 2172 Jared Simmons
Smith, Jeri Custodian 2948 Jeri Smith
Spencer, Keith Chief Information Security Officer 2226 Keith Spencer
Spencer, Theresa Professor of Music, Voice/Choral 2283 Theresa Spencer
Starlin, Jesse Grounds Technician 2935 Jesse Starlin
Stone, Deena AM Line Chef 2172 Deena Stone
Stubblefield, Trisha Professor of English 2274 Trisha Stubblefield
Sua, Rebecca AM Server 2172 Rebecca Sua
Swearingen, Tobi Education Department Administrative Assistant 6117 Tobi Swearingen
T top
Taul, Chandlar Enrollment Counselor 2137 Chandlar Taul
Thomasma, Stefanie Director of Advancement Services 2161 Stefanie Thomasma
Tietz, Julie Professor of Psychology 2220 Julie Tietz
Tipton, Caleb Head Golf Coach & Enrollment Counselor 2235 Caleb Tipton
Trautweiler, Courtney Director of the Library 2109 Courtney Trautweiler
Travis, Gracie Head Athletic Trainer 2203 Gracie Travis
Trout, Sarah Head Archery Coach/Community Liaison for Athletics 2236 Sarah Trout
U top
Underwood, Roger Maintenance Technician 2926 Roger Underwood
V top
Verklan, Elizabeth Asst. Prof. of Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies 2197 Elizabeth Verklan
Verter, Eric Controller 2106 Eric Verter
Vincent, Meghan Director of Campus and Residence Life 2304 Meghan Vincent
W top
Walker, Bryce IT Coordinator for Academic Affairs 2275 Bryce Walker
Walker, Heather Accompanist/Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music 2266 Heather Walker
Walker, Jimmy Adjunct Professor of Psychology Jimmy Walker
Watanabe, Kanji Prof. of International Relations/Political Science 2188 Kanji Watanabe
West, Shaun Assistant to the Vice President for Student Life and Enrollment/Campus Visit Coordinator 2126 Shaun West
White, Jerry Vice President for Finance Administration 2123 Jerry White
Wiggans, Christopher Maintenance Technician 2299 Christopher Wiggans
Witte, Matthew Maintenance Technician 2933 Matthew Witte
Womack, Helen Custodian 2946 Helen Womack
Wood, Michelle Vice President for Institutional Advancement 2120 Michelle Wood
X top
Y top
Z top

Cottey College Offices

Office Phone Number Fax Number Email Address
Academic Affairs 417-667-8181 ext. 2128
Academic Records 417-667-8181 ext. 2125 417-448-1030
Alumnae Relations 417-667-8181 ext. 2122
Athletic Department 417-667-8181 ext. 2237 417-448-1055
Blanche Skiff Ross Memorial Library 417-667-8181 ext. 2153 417-448-1040
Business Office 417-667-8181 ext. 2123 417-448-1001
Enrollment Management 417-667-8181 ext. 2107 Or Toll Free: 888-5-COTTEY 417-448-1025
Financial Aid and Student Accounts 417-448-1445
Human Resources 417-667-8181 ext. 2103 417-448-1060
Institutional Advancement 417-667-8181 ext. 2120 417-448-1015
Institutional Research 417-667-8181 ext. 2125
Kolderie Center 417-667-8181 ext. 2168
Marketing and Strategic Communications 417-448-1414
P.E.O. Relations 417-667-8181 ext. 2122
Physical Plant 417-667-8181 ext. 2155 417-448-1010
President’s Office 417-667-8181 ext. 2111 417-448-1000
Serenbetz Institute for Women’s Leadership 417-667-8181 ext. 2116
Student Life Center 417-667-8181 ext. 2126 417-448-1021